22 Reasons Why I Journal

{Since childhood, journaling has helped me process life and see God’s promises fulfilled…}

  1. I’m less likely to become distracted when I write my prayers down
  2. I can look back on old entries and be reminded of God’s constant provision
  3. Sometimes you can look through your journal and be able to see the exact time of day Jesus answered 
  4. By writing down stories and events, I’m able to remember them 5 months later or years later.
  5. It’s funny to read through some old entries if you ever need a good laugh!
  6. As I write my thoughts to God, He changes my attitude from discouragement to gratitude and from sadness to a sense of peace
  7. Through journaling, Christ has reminded me He loves me at the highest high and the lowest low 
  8. Christ has spoken to me directly as I prayed 
  9. When friends request prayer, I’ll typically write it down in the prayer request list
  10. Putting words down forces me to surrender everything to God even when it doesn’t come naturally
  11. Prayer journaling is a tangible experience with Christ
  12. A journal is the perfect place to write an inspiring quote or verse in your own handwriting. 
  13. When I see a verse in my own handwriting, I’m more likely to remember it
  14. It’s a humbling process reading old entries and writing new ones. 
  15. Creative outlet for me to draw and color in my journal around verses 
  16. Inspiration for blog posts, worship talks, & sermons
  17. Since childhood, journaling has helped me process life and see God’s promises fulfilled
  18. Writing paragraphs, bullet lists, poetry, and drawings are all part of the journaling experience 
  19. You can connect with a community of fellow journalists
  20. Great way to unwind before bed (no screens)
  21. Writing helps you self reflect and listen to yourself and God’s voice 
  22. Doesn’t have to be perfect! Only you will read it. 

How has journaling helped you in your walk with God?