Nostalgic Playlist


Music is a wonderful tool because it can take you back to a certain time and place that was meaningful in your life. Recently, I decided to make a spiritual timeline of my life based on songs that were inspirational to me. Doing this activity helped me remember the many times God had brought clarity and encouragement to me through Christian music. If you are bored during quarantine, I encourage you to jot down five to ten of your favorite songs and write down a memory for each one. Warm up your Spotify and come along for the journey…

1. “Above All” by Michael W. Smith, early childhood

Wow, I love this song so much. Any time I listen to it, I have a feeling of being at my home church in California. From playing Bible trivia games in Sabbath school to preaching my first sermon, I have many fond memories of my home church.

2. “Every Move I Make” by Hillsong Kids, 6th grade

This song takes me back to 6th grade Bible class. It was fun dancing to this song with my classmates, especially during chapel.

3. “Draw Me Close” by Michael W. Smith, 8th grade

This is another favorite song from my home church! This is one of the songs I requested on the day I was baptized.

4. “Our God” by Chris Tomlin, Freshman year of High School

Any time I hear this song I think of awesome times with friends at Freshmen/ Sophomore Retreat at Leoni Meadows Camp.

5. “Your Heart (David)” by Chris Tomlin, Junior year of High School

When I was going through a difficult time, God spoke to me through this song and reminded me to shift my perspective. He challenged me to surrender my heart to Him once again.

6. “Hold You Up” by Shane Harper, Freshman year of college

My Life Group chose this song as the theme song for the year. This song brings me back to random Freshman year adventures in college and a special vespers at my “adoptive” family’s house.

7.  “Come As You Are” by David Crowder, summer 2016

Imagine this: swaying back and forth with friends during an evening campfire at Leoni.

8. “Do it Again” by Elevation Worship, Junior year of college

This song reminds me of Southern’s vespers. It’s crazy hearing over 1,000 students singing “I’ve seen You move, come move the monitions. And I believe, I’ll see You do it again!” God used this song to get me through term papers and finals week.

9. “Song in My Soul” by Phil Wickham, summer 2018

I cannot tell you how many times I played this song in the car during camp days off. The following lyrics perfectly describe the joy of knowing Christ: “There’s a joy in my soul, and it rises like a morning. This I know for sure, that Your grace is enough.”

10. “Control” by For King & Country, Senior year of college

My friend, Sierra, shared this song with me. Through this song, God reminded me to surrender “Thatcher Dorm Week of Prayer” to Him. There were so many details I had to take care of the night before the program started, but God provided for all of my needs that week.

11. “Christ is Risen” by Phil Wickham, current missionary year in Hawaii

As I was driving back to my house, this song came on the radio. I was feeling tired from various speaking engagements and did not know if I would have enough energy for my sermon the next day. But as I listened to the following lyrics, God reminded me of an amazing promise: “And on the day You call me in, to Heaven’s sweet embrace. I’ll see your scars, your open arms, and the beauty of Your face. Through tears of joy, I’ll lift my voice, in everlasting praise.”

12. “Highs & Lows” by Hillsong Young and Free, January of this year

I love the vibe of this song! God is with us during the “Highs and Lows” of life. This was one of the songs I played at a youth vespers this past January. It’s a favorite song among the high school students in Hawaii.

13. “Maker of the Heavens” by Mosaic MSC, February of this year

Whenever this song comes up on my playlist, I’m reminded that I’m loved by God. “How great is Your love, my soul surrenders to who You are, and You’ve you’ve done” are some of my favorite lyrics from the song. Knowing this truth makes me fall asleep at night with a smile on my face.

14. “Right Here” by Cast of I Still Believe, KJ Apa, March 2020

Sometimes when I watch a movie, my mind wonders and I start to miss people in my life. But when I watched “I Still Believe” with the youth and their families, I was so content and grateful to be right where Christ had called me to be. It’s sad to think that I only have about a month and a half left in Hawaii. In the meantime, I choose to trust that God is “Right Here” with me during quarantine.


Link to “Right Here” song:


“Draw Me Close”:

“My Heart (David)”:

“Song in My Soul”: